
Friday 27 June 2014


I've been spotted on my way to supermarket today wearing this feminine shirt accessorized with a straw basket (perfect for the goodies I was about to carry)to boost the contrast.
I really love the design of this shirt,you have to notice the collar detail,which is so cute,and even if I didn't dare to wear it very often just because it's so delicate,now I'm shure it looks good worn also in casual and relaxed outfits.
So,this was my idea for today:put on some necklaces,your most expensive shirt,pair them with your super comfy sneakers ,add a summery bag and feel yourself picky even if you just go and buy stuff from the supermarket.
Happy weekend,people!

Zara shirt
Zara jeans
No name bag&shoes

Thursday 26 June 2014


My passion for fruity patterns continues!
This lovely skirt is simply delicious ,it's the new purchase of the day and,although I had a different outfit 'planned' for today, I didn't resist the temptation to wear fruit once more.
It's perfect for summer and I can't wait to wear it in different mixes.
I might have dropped the tights if the weather had not been so capricious again today.
Maybe next time I'll opt for a more relaxed and casual look,with a simple top ,a pair of sandals and a straw basket.

Stradivarius skirt
Stradivarius shoes
H&M jeans shirt
Vintage hat
New Look bag(old)
H&M necklace

Tuesday 24 June 2014


I am pleased to show you here a few places in Bucharest that I have visited last Saturday where I noticed a very interesting and attractive design,also well-selected clothes,fashionable people and joy in spite of the whimsical weather.
So I took some pictures, few, that's right, with the corners and the lovely decorated rooms, where definitely I'll be back to visit the events that will take place in the future and to spend some quality time together with my friends. 
First,I'll introduce you the Summer Yard Sale at Atelier 109.

Fluid designer clothes were waiting for the fashion lovers and also a great party in the evening which unfortunately,we've missed out,but you can  find more pics here.

The second stop was at another yard sale,at Dianei 4,a common location for such events,but also a special and sophisticated place for eating and drinking.
It may look a little scary,but I assure you it's worth the visit.
Unfortunately ,here I didn't take any pictures,but I've found some on the internet.
I can't wait to come back here to taste their delicious pancakes!

photo source:Metropotam

Eclectico Studio is a retro house designed for the lovers of details,where you can shop not only designer clothes but also unique furniture items brought from all over the world.
Enjoy the pictures and find out more about these places!

Sunday 22 June 2014


Enjoying my favourite dessert and watching the rain,this is how my week-end started.Promising,I'd say!
If I hated the weather in the last few days, well, today the temperatures have risen and the sun finally appeared. 
I had a full day yesterday, and though it rained, I decided that, along with a friend to visit several fairs and exhibitions, which were held in interesting places in Bucharest, like Atelier 109 and Eclectico Studio.I will soon show you some pictures I took over there.We had so much fun and,like two shopaholics that we are, we also have got some goodies.How else?
Dressing as casual as I could and wearing my new chic accessories,today I took my boyfriend out,to visit the Botanical Garden,'cause the sun was shining so beautifully.
Hope that better days are coming!

H&M jeans
Etam clutch
Zara top
Bershka shirt
SIX earrings&vintage Clarins scarf

Tuesday 17 June 2014


De cand am inteles cat de importante sunt produsele dermatocosmetice pentru tenul meu,acestea au devenit nelipsite din rutina zilnica de ingrijire a pielii.
Puteti citi pe blogul Ivatherm,articole interesante si utile despre importanta si beneficiile utilizarii acestui tip de produse.
La Ivatherm am gasit o gama completa de produse destinate tipului meu de piele,astfel ca a devenit,in scurt timp,preferatul meu  si,dupa cum veti vedea,marea majoritate a produselor pe care le folosesc apartin acestui brand.
Am sa va descriu,in cateva randuri,cum imi ingrijesc tenul si ce produse folosesc,in fiecare zi,in acest scop.
Pentru inceput,in fiecare dimineata,folosesc gelul spumant purifiant Ivapur,care este recomandat mai multor tipuri de piele(sensibila,mixta sau grasa).
De doua ori pe saptamana,alaturi de acest produs,folosesc o manusa abraziva,pentru a indeparta celulele moarte de la suprafata.
Al doilea produs pe care il aplic este lotiunea micelara Ivapur,ce ma ajuta sa curat in profunzime tenul,inclusiv urmele de machiaj.
Si aceasta este,de asemenea,destinata mai multor tipuri de piele,nu contine parabeni,sapun si alcool ,asigurand,de fiecare data o curatare blanda si delicata a fetei.
Folosesc aceste produse de cateva luni,deja,de aceea flacoanele sunt aproape pe terminate,dar cu siguranta,le voi recumpara.

Deja imi simt tenul curat si proaspat ,astfel ca,dupa cateva minute,aplic si crema hidratanta cu SPF 20 ce ma protejeaza intreaga zi de expunerile la soare.

Puteti reinnoi aplicarea acestui produs frecvent,ori de cate ori simtiti nevoia.Pentru mine este suficienta o singura aplicare,deoarece,avand tenul gras,cel mai des,pe parcursul unei zile,prefer sa folosesc apa termala Herculane ,bogata in minerale si oligoelemente.
Aceasta apa are proprietati dermatologice exceptionale,calmeaza si hidrateaza pielea sensibila,previne iritatiile si fixeaza machiajul.

Eu o folosesc si pentru efectul sau racoritor,fiind un produs ce nu-mi lipseste din geanta ,mai ales in timpul verii.
Acesta a fost modul in care imi ingrijesc tenul zilnic,sper ca v-am facut curioase in legatura cu aceste produse pe care le recomand cu toata increderea.
Daca aveti intrebari sau recomandari le astept cu mare placere,in casuta de comentarii.

Friday 13 June 2014


Besides being absolutely delicious and eye-catching,in my opinion,fruit prints are the trendiest this summer season.
I've noticed the amount of fruit patterned clothing and accessories in stores lately and I couldn't be more excited.
A good print like this fruity one always makes me feel fresh and fun but also very chic.
As you all know, I'm really obsessed with watermelon pattern and I couldn't miss these two great pieces I found on H&M.
I was eager to buy them faster and now that they are waiting in my closet I have to find inspiration for a gorgeous summer outfit.
The adorable backpack is proper also for a beach outfit or for a casual one ready to be worn in the city.

The croped-top looks very pretty paired with a pleated skirt as you'll soon see on my next post or with high-waisted jeans.

What do you think about this trend and how do you imagine a perfect summer outfit with one of these fruity items?

Friday 6 June 2014


              Asos shoes,Zara jeans,Stradivarius shirt&tee,no name bag,vintage hat

 You all know how much I love kitties and even if I can't own one curently this doesen't mean I can not collect all the items by whose design I can find a cat. 
I recently found this gorgeous bag in a local store and I'm so excited of my new purchase ,good quality at a low price!
Maybe some day I'll show you all my kitty stuff that I've gathered over time,I'm shure the cat lovers will be thrilled of my idea.
Enjoy the week-end!